Donate Blood !! Save Lives !!

The Need for Blood Donation

• Blood transfusions are crucial for surgeries and treatments.

•  Every two seconds, someone needs blood.

•  Adequate blood supply is vital for emergencies.

• Different blood components are needed for various treatments.

Benefits of Blood Donation

•  Reduces heart disease risk by lowering iron levels.

• Includes a free health check-up.

• Fosters community support and altruism.

• Stimulates new blood cell production.

• Provides fulfillment from saving lives.

• Essential for treating anemia, cancer, and hemophilia.

• Government employees (Central and state) can avail a maximum of 4 days in a calendar year for blood donation and/or apheresis (donation of blood components like red cells, plasma, platelets etc.). (G.O.(P) No.159/2018/Fin dt 10-10-2018)

Who Can Donate Blood:

  1. Age and Weight Requirements:
    • Age: 18-65 years (first-time donors should not be over 60 years of age).
    • Weight: At least 45 kg for donating 350 ml; 55 kg for donating 450 ml.
  2. Donation Interval:
    • Males: Every 3 months.
    • Females: Every 4 months.
  3. Health Conditions:
    • General Health: Must be in good health, with no infections or illnesses.
    • Hemoglobin Levels: Minimum of 13.0 g/dL for males and 12.0 g/dL for females.
    • Medications: Must not be taking contraindicated medications (e.g. Accutane, antibiotics – donors who are taking antibiotics are eligible to donate 24 hours after their last dose, anti-platelet medications, avodart, blood thinners (such as coumadin, heparin, lovenox, warfarin), bovine insulin, hepatitis B immune globulin, human-derived growth hormones, etc.)
    • Blood-Borne Diseases: Must be free from HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, malaria, dengue Fever, chikungunya, Zika virus, leptospirosis, syphilis, and brucellosis.
    • Behavioral Risks: Must not have engaged in high-risk behaviors.

Who Cannot Donate Blood:

  1. Infections and Health Conditions:
    • Current Illness: Cannot donate if you have a cold, flu, sore throat, cold sore, stomach bug, or any other infection.
    • Antibiotics: Cannot donate if you are currently taking antibiotics.
    • Chronic Conditions: Cannot donate if you have HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, other related diseases or certain cancers.
  2. Recent Procedures and Activities:
    • Tattoo or Body Piercing: Cannot donate for 6 months from the date of the procedure.
    • Major Surgery or other Major Medical Procedures: Must wait at least 12 months after recovery.
    • Dental Procedures: Must wait 24 hours after a minor procedure; about 6 months after a major procedure (such as tooth extraction or surgery requiring anesthesia).
  3. Diet and Lifestyle:
    • Fasting: Should not be observing a fast during donation. The last meal should have been taken at least 4 hours before donating.
    • Alcohol: Should not have consumed alcohol before donation. Regular heavy alcohol consumers may not donate.
    • Long-Distance Vehicle Drivers: Should not donate.
    • Night Shift Workers: Should have adequate sleep before donating.
    • Recent Travel: Cannot donate if recently traveled to high-risk areas for infectious diseases.
  4. Reproductive Health:
    • Menstruation: Should defer donation during menstruation.
    • Pregnancy and Childbirth: Cannot donate if currently pregnant or within 6 months postpartum. After childbirth, a deferral period of at least 9 months is required.
    • Breastfeeding: Should not donate while breastfeeding. A deferral period of 3 months after the baby is significantly weaned is required.
    • Abortion: A deferral period of 6 months after an abortion is required.
  5. Specific Medical Conditions:
    • Diabetes: Diabetics (type 1 and type 2) under insulin treatment may not donate.
    • Asthma: Persons with an asthmatic attack or asthmatics under steroids may not donate. However persons with chronic sinusitis can donate unless on antibiotics.
    • Cardiovascular Diseases: Persons with any active symptoms or history of cardiovascular diseases may not donate and should permanently defer from donation.
    • Epilepsy: Persons with convulsions and epilepsy should permanently defer from donation. However persons having migraine can donate if it is not severe and do not occur at a frequency of more than once a week.
  6. Behavioral Risks:
    • Injecting Recreational Drugs: Cannot donate if there is a history of injecting recreational drugs.
    • High-Risk Sexual Behaviors: Should not donate if engaged in “at-risk” sexual activity in the past 12 months.
    • Recent Vaccinations: Must defer donation if recently vaccinated.

You should always drink lots of water before the donation. Also, keep in mind that you should take a well-balanced meal prior to and after donating blood. This will keep you healthy and fit